Snore Block – herbal supplement for snoring

4.4/5 - (184 votes)

SnoreBlockSnore Block
60 capsules60 capsules
Diet supplementDiet supplement
Available without a prescriptionAvailable without a prescription
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Ingredients list.

  • Cayenne pepper is a source of the active substance called capsaicin, which has a strong antiseptic effect in the upper respiratory tract. Capsaicin reduces inflammation in the respiratory system and cleans the respiratory system of mucus. The residual mucus may obstruct the airflow, which is one of the causes of snoring. Cleaning the upper respiratory tract is the first step to eliminating the problem of snoring.
  • Granatola Malpigia also called acerola or cherry from Barbados – is a plant with exceptional medicinal properties. It is an excellent source of natural vitamin C and many other vitamins and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, magnesium, iron, folic acid, niacin, thiamine, and healthy fatty acids. In the case of the SnoreBlock dietary supplement, we mainly use anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. These are properties that can help facilitate breathing during sleep. By the way, we will benefit in other aspects of health: strengthening the immune system, accelerating recovery, protection against free radicals, improving appetite, alleviating joint and bone pain.
  • Wild Rose. Rosehips are another source of vitamin C, and they also provide vitamin A, B vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, carotenoids and tannins. It is a natural, plant source of easily absorbable vitamins and microelements that have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Rosehips perfectly complement and strengthen the action of acerola.
  • Eucalyptus extract. Eucalyptus is an exotic plant growing in Australia, which is used, among others, in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Everyone probably knows the characteristic aroma of eucalyptus essential oil. With regard to SnoreBlock, eucalyptus is another ingredient with bactericidal properties. For hundreds of years it has been used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract, which thanks to it is easily cleared of secretions. In addition, the eucalyptus extract has an anti-stress and relaxing effect, so it is recommended for people who have trouble falling asleep, or those who often wake up at night.

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29 thoughts on “Snore Block – herbal supplement for snoring”

  1. I am very obese and I thought that obesity is the cause of snoring problems. Over the past year I have lost over 90 kg, but I did not get rid of snoring. I tried to use a special pillow and then a spray to suppress snoring, and then I also used SnoreBlock. In the end I stopped snoring, but I don’t know which one way helped me … I think everything together.

  2. I was helped by losing weight and introducing regular physical activity. I have neglected myself in recent years. I had a stressful job and lacked time to run. I gained over 40 kilos and then I started to snore. It took several years before I realized that I had to do something about it. Snoring disappeared almost immediately when I started playing sports again. I not returned to running, but I started to ride a bike. I lost only half of what I would like, but I don’t snore anymore. And I didn’t try any supplements.

  3. I have been using it for several months with good results. Now I don’t wake up in the middle of the night and I don’t snore anymore. I don’t know how it works or why it happened, but it helped me. My only concern is what will happen when I finish therapy. After all, I will not be taking it for the rest of my life. Maybe I’ll write in some time if the effects last for the next months …

  4. I see a lot of people have doubts about what will happen when they stop taking their supplements. In my case, the snoring returned when it have problems in my job. But then everything returned to normal state on its own after a few days. Indeed, stress can broke health.

  5. I tried for 6 months and didn’t help. I snore exactly the same as before 🤔

  6. I bought for my husband and gave to him for two months. He didn’t know what it was and he hadn’t even realized it. And with regard to snoring, nothing has changed. He snores just as intensely as earlier. But at least sleeps much more calmly and doesn’t wake up at night.

  7. My rate is four stars. I subtracted one because I had to wait a long time for the results. It was only after 3 months that something started to happen, and then for another half a year, snoring was appearing from time to time. It took over a year in total, but now I don’t snore at all.

  8. I started a few weeks ago. The snoring is rather as it was. But I have noticed a big improvement with my nasal breathing. Now I fall asleep with my mouth closed and I can breathe freely through my nose. In the past, nasal breathing was basically impossible.

  9. This is a very good dietary supplement, but if you expect quick results then better see a doctor. Modern medicine deals with this problem quite successfully.

  10. It is very effective in soothing throat irritations and rhinitis. Unfortunately, there is no improvement in snoring in my case. I sleep a little better but that is all.

  11. In my case, I noticed good symptoms after 6-7 weeks. The snoring is really gone and hasn’t come back, and more than half a year have passed since then. I also stopped taking the supplement.

  12. I have tried various ways to stop snore. I also took dietary supplements and herbs. Finally, it turned out that I had a crooked nasal septum and that is what causes my snoring. The only thing left for me is surgery, but I have not yet made up my mind what to do.

  13. I do not want to question the usefulness of anti-snoring dietary supplements, but I believe that the effectiveness depends on the cause of the snoring. For example, if you are seriously overweight or obese, deal with this matter first. So it was with my snoring. Repeated attempts with various dietary supplements and home remedies did not bring any improvement. And now that my BMI has dropped below 20, it turned out that my snoring is also gone.

  14. As of today, nothing has changed with regard to snoring. I only noticed improved nasal breathing and better sleep.

  15. In my case, it took quite a long time for the snoring to stop completely. I’ve been using Snoreblock for almost four months, and noticeable progress began in early May. Now I don’t snore all night and this condition lasts for several weeks. I plan to end the treatment when I have used up the two packages that I still have.

  16. This supplement has worked very quickly for me. Within one month, the snoring stopped completely. But in case of my wife, even after two months, nothing changed.

  17. I snore the same way as a month ago. Today I am starting the second packaging and I still have four more in my closet.

  18. Today two weeks have passed and my throat, nose and upper respiratory tract in general have cleared up without a doubt. I sleep much better. At night, I don’t wake up once. There is also a slight improvement in snoring.

  19. My story is that there has been no noticeable improvement during the first and second months. It wasn’t until later that better sleep came gradually and the snoring stopped as well. Soon it will be six months since I started supplementation and I wonder if I should order another portion, has the snoring gone forever?

  20. Hi, I’m Rene. After the first few days, I feel a lot of relief in my nose and throat. I just realized that while falling asleep I had been breathing through my mouth for many years, and now I’m falling asleep breathing through my nose. In my case, it was most likely the cause of the snoring as I hadn’t snored at all in the last week.

  21. Overall, I feel relief in my nose and throat. I breathe better especially when falling asleep and sleep better throughout the night. My wife says I snore a little less.

  22. I snore the same way, but I don’t have the upper respiratory infection that has been troubling me for several days. Such result after two weeks.

  23. Helped my husband in a matter of weeks. It happens sometimes that he snores, but these are literally sporadic cases. Thanks!

  24. My snoring stopped completely after 5 months. Progress was gradual and slow. I felt real improvement after about 2 months.

  25. My breathing through nose has improved immediately. I can breathe with great ease. Unfortunately, snoring without any change.

  26. It’s been two months since I use Snoreblock. The snoring is not completely gone, but I can see a significant improvement. Plus, I sleep much better. I still have four packages to use, so I’m counting on getting rid of snoring completely.

  27. My husband never snored when he was young. But for several years it has become completely unbearable. I bought one bottle to test and now it’s much better. I will be ordering another one or two. I hope the snoring goes away completely. Although I think it’s great now.

  28. I sleep noticeably better. That’s the only effect I feel. Maybe one more positive change. Namely, now I can breathe through my nose with ease and I don’t clear my throat all the time.

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